package Renderer; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.HashMap; import; import Command.LDrawColorT; import LDraw.Support.ColorLibrary; import LDraw.Support.GLMatrixMath; public class LDrawShaderRenderer implements ILDrawRenderer, ILDrawCollector { public static final int COLOR_STACK_DEPTH = 64; public static final int TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH = 128; public static final int TRANSFORM_STACK_DEPTH = 64; public static final int DL_STACK_DEPTH = 64; public boolean useWireFrame = false; public boolean drawTransparent = false; /** * name="session" * @uml.associationEnd */ LDrawDLSession session = null; // DL session - this accumulates draw calls // and // sorts them. /** * name="color_now" multiplicity="(0 -1)" dimension="1" */ float color_now[]; // Color stack. /** * name="compl_now" multiplicity="(0 -1)" dimension="1" */ float compl_now[]; /** * name="color_stack" multiplicity="(0 -1)" dimension="1" */ float color_stack[]; /** * name="color_stack_top" */ int color_stack_top = 0; /** * name="wire_frame_count" */ private boolean isWireFrame = false; // wire frame stack is just a count. /** * name="tex_stack" * @uml.associationEnd multiplicity="(0 -1)" */ LDrawTextureSpec tex_stack[]; // Texture stack from push/pop texture. /** * name="texture_stack_top" */ int texture_stack_top; /** * name="tex_now" * @uml.associationEnd */ LDrawTextureSpec tex_now; /** * name="transform_stack" multiplicity="(0 -1)" dimension="1" */ float transform_stack[]; // Transform stack from push/pop matrix. /** * name="transform_stack_top" */ int transform_stack_top; /** * name="transform_now" multiplicity="(0 -1)" dimension="1" */ float transform_now[]; /** * name="cull_now" multiplicity="(0 -1)" dimension="1" */ float cull_now[]; /** * name="dl_stack" * @uml.associationEnd multiplicity="(0 -1)" */ LDrawDLBuilder dl_stack[]; // DL stack from begin/end DL builds. /** * name="dl_stack_top" */ int dl_stack_top; /** * name="dl_now" * @uml.associationEnd */ LDrawDLBuilder dl_now; // This is the DL being built "right now". /** * name="mvp" multiplicity="(0 -1)" dimension="1" */ float mvp[]; // Cached MVP from when shader is built. /** * name="drag_handles" * @uml.associationEnd */ LDrawDragHandleInstance drag_handles; // List of drag handles - deferred to // draw at the end for perf and // correct scaling. /** * name="scale" */ float scale; // Needed to code Allen's res-independent drag // handles...someday get this from viewport? public LDrawShaderRenderer() { dl_now = new LDrawDLBuilder(); color_now = new float[4]; compl_now = new float[4]; color_stack = new float[COLOR_STACK_DEPTH * 4]; tex_stack = new LDrawTextureSpec[TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH]; transform_stack = new float[TRANSFORM_STACK_DEPTH * 16]; transform_now = new float[16]; cull_now = new float[16]; dl_stack = new LDrawDLBuilder[DL_STACK_DEPTH]; mvp = new float[16]; tex_now = new LDrawTextureSpec(); } // ========== set_color4fv // ======================================================== // // Purpose: Copies an RGBA color, but handles the special ptrs 0L and -1L by // converting them into the 'magic' colors 0,0,0,0 and 1,1,1,0 that // the shader wants. // // Notes: The shader, when it sees alpha = 0, mixes between the // attribute-set // current and compliment by blending with the red channel: red = 0 is // current, red = 1 is compliment. // // ================================================================================ public static void set_color4fv(float c[], float storage[]) { if (c.length == 1) { if (c[0] == 0) { storage[0] = 0; storage[1] = 0; storage[2] = 0; storage[3] = 0; } else if (c[0] == -1) { storage[0] = 1; storage[1] = 1; storage[2] = 1; storage[3] = 0; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) storage[i] = c[i]; } }// end set_color4fv // ================================================================================ // @implementation LDrawShaderRenderer // ================================================================================ // ========== init: // =============================================================== // // Purpose: initialize our renderer, and grab all basic OpenGL state we // need. // // ================================================================================ public static HashMap<GL2, IntBuffer> progList = new HashMap<GL2, IntBuffer>(); public LDrawShaderRenderer initWithScale(GL2 gl2, float initial_scale, float[] mv_matrix, float[] proj_matrix) { // Build our shader if it doesn't exist yet. For now, just stash the GL // object statically. if (progList.containsKey(gl2) == false) { IntBuffer prog = IntBuffer.allocate(1); progList.put(gl2, prog); } IntBuffer prog = progList.get(gl2); if (prog.get(0) == 0) { // This list of attribute names matches the text of the GLSL // attribute // declarations - // and its order must match the attr_position...array in the .h. /** * name="attribs" multiplicity="(0 -1)" dimension="1" */ String attribs[] = { "position", "normal", "color", "transform_x", "transform_y", "transform_z", "transform_w", "color_current", "color_compliment", "texture_mix" }; int programID = LDrawShaderLoader.LDrawLoadShaderFromFile(gl2, System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/Resource/Shader/test.glsl", attribs); prog.put(0, programID); int u_tex = gl2.glGetUniformLocation(prog.get(0), "u_tex"); gl2.glUseProgram(prog.get(0)); // This matches up texture unit 0 with the sampler in the shader. gl2.glUniform1i(u_tex, 0); } else { gl2.glUseProgram(prog.get(0)); } // todo // super.init(); scale = initial_scale; ColorLibrary.sharedColorLibrary() .colorForCode(LDrawColorT.LDrawCurrentColor) .getColorRGBA(color_now); gl2.glVertexAttrib1f(AttributeT.attr_texture_mix.getValue(), 0.0f); ColorLibrary.sharedColorLibrary().complimentColor(color_now, compl_now); // Set up the basic transform to be identity - our transform is on top // of the MVP matrix. // memset(transform_now,0,sizeof(transform_now)); for (int i = 0; i < transform_now.length; i++) transform_now[i] = 0; transform_now[0] = transform_now[5] = transform_now[10] = transform_now[15] = 1.0f; // "Rip" the MVP matrix from OpenGL. (TODO: does LDraw just have this // info?) // We use this for culling. GLMatrixMath.multMatrices(mvp, proj_matrix, mv_matrix); for (int i = 0; i < mvp.length; i++) cull_now[i] = mvp[i]; // Create a DL session to match our lifetime. session = new LDrawDLSession(mv_matrix); // Set up GL state for attribute drawing, not the fixed function drawing // we used to do. gl2.glEnableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_position.getValue()); gl2.glEnableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_normal.getValue()); gl2.glEnableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_color.getValue()); gl2.glDisableClientState(GL2.GL_COLOR_ARRAY); gl2.glDisableClientState(GL2.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); gl2.glDisableClientState(GL2.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); drag_handles = null; return this; }// end init: // ========== dealloc: // ============================================================ // // Purpose: Clean up our state. Note that this "triggers" the draw from // our // display list session that has stored up some of our draw calls. // // ================================================================================ public void dealloc(GL2 gl2) { LDrawDragHandleInstance dh; // todo // LDrawDLSessionDrawAndDestroy(session); // session = nil; // Go through and draw the drag handles... // for(dh = drag_handles; dh != null; dh = dh->next) // { // float s = dh->size / scale; // float m[16] = { s, 0, 0, 0, 0, s, 0, 0, 0, 0, s, 0, dh->xyz[0], // dh->xyz[1],dh->xyz[2], 1.0 }; // // [this pushMatrix:m]; // [this drawDragHandleImm:dh->xyz withSize:dh->size]; // [this popMatrix]; // } // Put back OGL state to what LDraw usually has. gl2.glUseProgram(0); int a; for (a = 0; a < AttributeT.attr_count.getValue(); ++a) gl2.glDisableVertexAttribArray(a); gl2.glEnableClientState(GL2.GL_COLOR_ARRAY); gl2.glEnableClientState(GL2.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); gl2.glEnableClientState(GL2.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); // LDrawBDPDestroy(pool); // [super dealloc]; }// end dealloc: // ========== pushMatrix: // ========================================================= // // Purpose: accumulate a transform temporarily. The transform will be // 'grabbed' // later if a DL is made. // // Notes: our current texture is mapped in _object_ coordinates. So if we // are // going to transform our coordinate system AND we have textures active // we produce a new texture whose planar projection matches our new // coordinates. // // IF we used eye-space texturing this would not be necessary. But // eye space texturing was actually more complex than this case in the // shader. // // ================================================================================ public void pushMatrix(float matrix[]) { assert (transform_stack_top < TRANSFORM_STACK_DEPTH); for (int i = 0; i < transform_now.length; i++) transform_stack[16 * transform_stack_top + i] = transform_now[i]; float[] temp = new float[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) temp[i] = transform_stack[16 * transform_stack_top + i]; GLMatrixMath.multMatrices(transform_now, temp, matrix); ++transform_stack_top; pushTexture(tex_now); if (tex_now.getTex_obj() != 0) { // If we have a current texture, transform the tetxure by "matrix". // TODO: doc _why_ this works mathematically. float s[], t[]; s = new float[4]; t = new float[4]; GLMatrixMath.applyMatrixTranspose(s, matrix, tex_now.plane_s); GLMatrixMath.applyMatrixTranspose(t, matrix, tex_now.plane_t); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tex_now.plane_s[i] = s[i]; tex_now.plane_t[i] = t[i]; } // memcpy(tex_now.plane_s,s,sizeof(s)); // memcpy(tex_now.plane_t,t,sizeof(t)); } GLMatrixMath.multMatrices(cull_now, mvp, transform_now); }// end pushMatrix: // ========== checkCull:to: // ======================================================= // // Purpose: cull out bounding boxes that are off-screen. We transform to // clip // coordinates and see if the AABB (in screen space) of the original // bounding cube (in MV coordinates) is now entirely out of clip bounds. // // Notes: we also look at the screen-space size of the box to decide if // we can // cull it because it's tiny or replace it with a box. // // TODO: change hard-coded values to be compensated for aspect ratio, // etc. // // ================================================================================ public CullingT checkCull(float[] minXYZ, float[] maxXYZ) { if (minXYZ[0] > maxXYZ[0] || minXYZ[1] > maxXYZ[1] || minXYZ[2] > maxXYZ[2]) return CullingT.cull_skip; float aabb_model[] = { minXYZ[0], minXYZ[1], minXYZ[2], maxXYZ[0], maxXYZ[1], maxXYZ[2] }; float aabb_ndc[] = new float[6]; GLMatrixMath.aabbToClipbox(aabb_model, cull_now, aabb_ndc); if (aabb_ndc[3] < -1.0f || aabb_ndc[4] < -1.0f || aabb_ndc[0] > 1.0f || aabb_ndc[1] > 1.0f) { return CullingT.cull_skip; } int x_pix = (int) ((aabb_ndc[3] - aabb_ndc[0]) * 512.0); int y_pix = (int) ((aabb_ndc[4] - aabb_ndc[1]) * 384.0); int dim = Math.max(x_pix, y_pix); if (dim < 1) return CullingT.cull_skip; if (dim < 10) return CullingT.cull_box; return CullingT.cull_draw; }// end pushMatrix:to: // // ========== drawBoxFrom:to: // ===================================================== // // Purpose: draw an axis-aligned cube of a given size. // // Notes: this routine retains a single unit-cube display list that can // be // drawn multiple times; the DL system will end up instancing it for us. // Because BrickSmith ensures GL resources are never lost, we can just // keep the cube statically. // // ================================================================================ static LDrawDL unit_cube = null; public void drawBoxFrom(GL2 gl2, float[] minXyz, float[] maxXyz) { if (unit_cube == null) { LDrawDLBuilder builder = new LDrawDLBuilder(); float top[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 }; float bot[] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 }; float lft[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 }; float rgt[] = { 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 }; float frt[] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 }; float bak[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0 }; float c[] = new float[4]; float n[] = { 0, 1, 0 }; builder.addQuad(top, n, c); builder.addQuad(bot, n, c); builder.addQuad(lft, n, c); builder.addQuad(rgt, n, c); builder.addQuad(frt, n, c); builder.addQuad(bak, n, c); unit_cube = builder.finish(gl2); } float dim[] = { maxXyz[0] - minXyz[0], maxXyz[1] - minXyz[1], maxXyz[2] - minXyz[2] }; float rescale[] = { dim[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, dim[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, dim[2], 0, minXyz[0], minXyz[1], minXyz[2], 1 }; pushMatrix(rescale); drawDL(gl2, unit_cube); popMatrix(); }// end drawBoxFrom:to: // // // ========== popMatrix: // ========================================================== // // Purpose: reset one level of the matrix stack. // // ================================================================================ public void popMatrix() { // We always push a texture frame with every matrix frame for now, so // that // we can re-transform the tex projection. We simply have 2x the slots // in our stacks. popTexture(); assert (transform_stack_top > 0); --transform_stack_top; // memcpy(transform_now, transform_stack + 16 * transform_stack_top, // sizeof(transform_now)); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) transform_now[i] = transform_stack[16 * transform_stack_top + i]; GLMatrixMath.multMatrices(cull_now, mvp, transform_now); }// end popMatrix: // ========== pushColor: // ========================================================== // // Purpose: push a color change onto the stack. This sets the RGBA for // the // current and compliment color for DLs that use the current color. // // ================================================================================ public void pushColor(float color[]) { assert (color_stack_top < COLOR_STACK_DEPTH); color_stack[0 + color_stack_top * 4] = color_now[0]; color_stack[1 + color_stack_top * 4] = color_now[1]; color_stack[2 + color_stack_top * 4] = color_now[2]; color_stack[3 + color_stack_top * 4] = color_now[3]; ++color_stack_top; if (color.length != 0) { if (color.length == 1) color = compl_now; color_now[0] = color[0]; color_now[1] = color[1]; color_now[2] = color[2]; color_now[3] = color[3]; ColorLibrary.sharedColorLibrary().complimentColor(color_now, compl_now); } }// end pushColor: // ========== popColor: // =========================================================== // // Purpose: pop the stack of current colors that has previously been // pushed. // // ================================================================================ public void popColor() { assert (color_stack_top > 0); --color_stack_top; color_now[0] = color_stack[0 + color_stack_top * 4]; color_now[1] = color_stack[1 + color_stack_top * 4]; color_now[2] = color_stack[2 + color_stack_top * 4]; color_now[3] = color_stack[3 + color_stack_top * 4]; ColorLibrary.sharedColorLibrary().complimentColor(color_now, compl_now); }// end popColor: // ========== pushTexture: // ======================================================== // // Purpose: change the current texture to a new one, specified by a spec // with // textures and projection. // // ================================================================================ public void pushTexture(LDrawTextureSpec spec) { assert (texture_stack_top < TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH); try { tex_stack[texture_stack_top] = (LDrawTextureSpec) tex_now.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // memcpy(tex_stack+texture_stack_top,&tex_now,sizeof(tex_now)); ++texture_stack_top; // memcpy(&tex_now,spec,sizeof(tex_now)); try { tex_now = (LDrawTextureSpec) spec.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // if (dl_stack_top != 0) // dl_now.setTex(tex_now); }// end pushTexture: // ========== popTexture: // ========================================================= // // Purpose: pop a texture off the stack that was previously pushed. // When // the // last texture is popped, we go back to being untextured. // // ================================================================================ public void popTexture() { assert (texture_stack_top > 0); --texture_stack_top; try { tex_now = (LDrawTextureSpec) (tex_stack[texture_stack_top].clone()); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // if (dl_stack_top != 0) // dl_now.setTex(tex_now); }// end popTexture: // ========== pushWireFrame: // ====================================================== // // Purpose: push a change to wire frame mode. This is nested - when // the // last // "wire frame" is popped, we are no longer wire frame. // // ================================================================================ public void pushWireFrame(GL2 gl2) { synchronized (gl2) { if (isWireFrame == false && useWireFrame) { isWireFrame = true; gl2.glPolygonMode(GL2.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL2.GL_LINE); } } }// end pushWireFrame: // ========== popWireFrame: // ======================================================= // // Purpose: undo a previous wire frame command - the push and pops // must // be // balanced. // // ================================================================================ public void popWireFrame(GL2 gl2) { synchronized (gl2) { if (isWireFrame == true) { isWireFrame = false; gl2.glPolygonMode(GL2.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL2.GL_FILL); } } }// end popWireFrame: // ========== drawQuad:normal:color: // ============================================== // // Purpose: Adds one quad to the current display list. // // Notes: This should only be called after a dlBegin has been called; // client // code only gets a protocol interface to this API by calling beginDL // first. // // ================================================================================ public void drawQuad(float[] vertices, float[] normal, float[] color) { assert (dl_stack_top == 0); float c[] = new float[4]; set_color4fv(color, c); dl_now.addQuad(vertices, normal, c); }// end drawQuad:normal:color: // ========== drawTri:normal:color: // =============================================== // // Purpose: Adds one triangle to the current display list. // // ================================================================================ public void drawTri(float[] vertices, float[] normal, float[] color) { assert (dl_stack_top == 0); float c[] = new float[4]; ; set_color4fv(color, c); dl_now.addTri(vertices, normal, c); }// end drawTri:normal:color: // ========== drawLine:normal:color: // ============================================== // // Purpose: Adds one line to the current display list. // // ================================================================================ public void drawLine(float[] vertices, float[] normal, float[] color) { assert (dl_stack_top == 0); float c[] = new float[4]; set_color4fv(color, c); dl_now.addLine(vertices, normal, c); }// end drawLine:normal:color: // ========== drawDragHandle:withSize: // ============================================ // // Purpose: This draws one drag handle using the current transform. // // Notes: We don't draw anything - we just grab a list link and stash // the // drag handle in "global model space" - that is, the space that the // root of all drawing happens, without the local part transform. // We do that so that when we pop out all local transforms and draw // later we will be in the right place, but we'll have no local // scaling // that could deform our handle. // // ================================================================================ public void drawDragHandle(float[] xyz, float size) { LDrawDragHandleInstance dh = new LDrawDragHandleInstance(); dh.setNext(drag_handles); drag_handles = dh; dh.setSize(7.0f); float handle_local[] = { xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], 1.0f }; float handle_world[] = new float[4]; GLMatrixMath.applyMatrix(handle_world, transform_now, handle_local); float[] xyz_dh = dh.getXyz(); xyz_dh[0] = handle_world[0]; xyz_dh[1] = handle_world[1]; xyz_dh[2] = handle_world[2]; dh.setSize(size); }// end drawDragHandle:withSize: // ========== drawDragHandle:withSize: // ============================================ // // Purpose: Draw a drag handle - for realzies this time // // Notes: This routine builds a one-off sphere VBO as needed. // BrickSmith // guarantees that we never lose our shared group of GL contexts, so // we // don't have to worry about the last context containing the VBO // going // away. // // The vertex format for the sphere handle is just pure vertices - // since // the draw routine sets up its own VAO with its own internal format, // there's no need to depend on or conform to vertex formats for the // rest // of the drawing system. // // ================================================================================ public static IntBuffer vaoTag = IntBuffer.allocate(1); public static IntBuffer vboTag = IntBuffer.allocate(1); public static IntBuffer vboVertexCount = IntBuffer.allocate(1); public void drawDragHandleImm(GL2 gl2, float xyz, float size) { if (vaoTag.get() == 0) { // Bail if we've already done it. int latitudeSections = 8; int longitudeSections = 8; float latitudeRadians = (float) (Math.PI / latitudeSections); // lat. // wraps // halfway // around sphere float longitudeRadians = (float) (2 * Math.PI / longitudeSections); // long. // wraps // all // the way IntBuffer vertexCount = IntBuffer.allocate(1); ByteBuffer vertexes; int latitudeCount = 0; int longitudeCount = 0; float latitude = 0; float longitude = 0; // ---------- Generate Sphere // ----------------------------------------------- // Each latitude strip begins with two vertexes at the prime // meridian, // then // has two more vertexes per segment thereafter. vertexCount.put((2 + longitudeSections * 2) * latitudeSections); gl2.glGenBuffers(1, vboTag); gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboTag.get()); gl2.glBufferData(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexCount.get() * 3, null, GL2.GL_STATIC_DRAW); vertexes = gl2.glMapBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL2.GL_WRITE_ONLY); // Calculate vertexes for each strip of latitude. for (latitudeCount = 0; latitudeCount < latitudeSections; latitudeCount += 1) { latitude = (latitudeCount * latitudeRadians); // Include the prime meridian twice; once to start the strip and // once // to // complete the last triangle of the -1 meridian. for (longitudeCount = 0; longitudeCount <= longitudeSections; longitudeCount += 1) { longitude = longitudeCount * longitudeRadians; // Ben says: when we are "pushing" vertices into a // GL_WRITE_ONLY // mapped // buffer, we should really // never read back from the vertices that we read to - the // memory we // are // writing to often has funky // properties like being uncached which make it expensive to // do // anything // other than what we said we'd // do (and we said: we are only going to write to them). // // Mind you it's moot in this case since we only need to // write // vertices. // Top vertex vertexes.put(0, (byte) (Math.cos(longitude) * Math.sin(latitude))); vertexes.put(1, (byte) (Math.sin(longitude) * Math.sin(latitude))); vertexes.put(2, (byte) (Math.cos(latitude))); // *vertexes++ =cos(longitude)*sin(latitude); // *vertexes++ =sin(longitude)*sin(latitude); // *vertexes++ =cos(latitude); // Bottom vertex vertexes.put( 3, (byte) (Math.cos(longitude) * Math.sin(latitude + latitudeRadians))); vertexes.put( 4, (byte) (Math.sin(longitude) * Math.sin(latitude + latitudeRadians))); vertexes.put(5, (byte) (Math.cos(latitude + latitudeRadians))); // *vertexes++ = cos(longitude)*sin(latitude + // latitudeRadians); // *vertexes++ = sin(longitude)*sin(latitude + // latitudeRadians); // *vertexes++ = cos(latitude + latitudeRadians); } } gl2.glUnmapBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); // ---------- Optimize // ------------------------------------------------------ vboVertexCount = vertexCount; // Encapsulate in a VAO gl2.glGenVertexArrays(1, vaoTag); gl2.glBindVertexArray(vaoTag.get()); gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboTag.get()); gl2.glEnableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_position.getValue()); gl2.glEnableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_normal.getValue()); // Normal and vertex use the same data - in a unit sphere the // normals // are // the vertices! gl2.glVertexAttribPointer(AttributeT.attr_position.getValue(), 3, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 3, (Buffer) (IntBuffer.allocate(0))); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer(AttributeT.attr_normal.getValue(), 3, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 3, (Buffer) (IntBuffer.allocate(0))); // The sphere color is constant - no need to get it from per-vertex // data. gl2.glBindVertexArray(0); gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } gl2.glDisable(GL2.GL_TEXTURE_2D); int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) gl2.glVertexAttrib4f(AttributeT.attr_transform_x.getValue() + i, transform_now[i], transform_now[4 + i], transform_now[8 + i], transform_now[12 + i]); gl2.glVertexAttrib4f(AttributeT.attr_color.getValue(), 0.50f, 0.53f, 1.00f, 1.00f); // Nice lavendar // color // for the whole sphere. gl2.glBindVertexArray(vaoTag.get()); gl2.glDrawArrays(GL2.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, vboVertexCount.get()); gl2.glBindVertexArray(0); // Failing to unbind can cause bizarre // crashes // if other VAOs are in display lists gl2.glEnable(GL2.GL_TEXTURE_2D); }// end drawDragHandleImm: // ========== beginDL: // ============================================================ // // Purpose: This begins accumulating a display list. // // ================================================================================ public ILDrawCollector beginDL() { assert (dl_stack_top < DL_STACK_DEPTH); dl_stack[dl_stack_top] = dl_now; ++dl_stack_top; dl_now = new LDrawDLBuilder(); return this; }// end beginDL: // ========== endDL:cleanupFunc: // ================================================== // // Purpose: close off a DL, returning the display list if there is // one. // // ================================================================================ public ILDrawDLHandle endDL(GL2 gl2, LDrawDLCleanup_f func) { assert (dl_stack_top > 0); LDrawDL dl = dl_now != null ? dl_now.finish(gl2) : null; --dl_stack_top; dl_now = dl_stack[dl_stack_top]; ILDrawDLHandle outHandle = (ILDrawDLHandle) dl; return outHandle; }// end endDL:cleanupFunc: // ========== drawDL: // ============================================================= // // Purpose: draw a DL using the current state. We pass this to our DL // session // that sorts out how to actually do tihs. // // ================================================================================ public void drawDL(GL2 gl2, ILDrawDLHandle dl) { if (drawTransparent == false && color_now[3] != 1.0) return; if (drawTransparent && color_now[3] == 1.0) return; synchronized (this) { dl.draw(gl2, session, tex_now, color_now, compl_now, transform_now, false); } }// end drawDL: @Deprecated public LDrawDLBuilder getDLBuilderNow() { return dl_now; } }